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Question about your bill 

​​​​​If you have any questions regarding your account balance, please call (256) 536-050. To better serve you, please have your physician’s name, account number and current statement available.



As a courtesy to you, our patient, we bill insurance on your behalf. Once insurance has processed your claim, it will be applied to your account. If there is a remaining balance after insurance has issued payment, the remainder is your responsibility. Timely payment of your balance is appreciated.


RCA understands that there may be instances where patients are unable to pay their balances in full. In these situations, we are happy to work with you. We are able to offer payment plans to allow for patients to pay their balances off over time. Please ask to speak to someone in our billing department, if you would like to set up a payment plan.


Whenever possible, refunds are issued within thirty days of receipt of payment at Retina Centers of Alabama. If you are aware of an account credit, please allow thirty days before contacting us. To contact us regarding a refund, please call (256) 536-0505.

Referrals and Authorizations

Many insurance plans require referrals and /or authorizations for services to be covered. A referral is permission from your primary care physician and your health plan to see a particular provider or to have specific procedures done.  If your plan requires a referral, your primary care physician must provide the referral prior to services being rendered.  Authorizations are often required for procedures such as surgery or MRI. It is your responsibilty to obtain the referral and other necessary documentation prior to your scheduled appointment.  Your appointment may be delayed or need to be rescheduled to allow for you to obtain the necessary documents.  If the appropriate referral documentaion was not obtained, you will be financially responsible for any and all charges not were not covered by insurance. 


If you have any questions about whether a service will be authorized, please call your health plan.  You may be responsible for payment if the necessary approvals are not in place.

Health plans 


Retina Centers of Alabama (RCA) accepts most insurance plans including various managed care plans. We recommend that you check with your health plan to determine health care coverage before scheduling your hospital or clinic visit.



If we have a contract with your insurance plan, you will be asked to pay for any out of pocket costs such as co-payments, co-insurance, deductibles and non-covered services (Insurance contracts change periodically, and we recommend you check with your insurance benefit to see if they include us in their network). Your insurance company will have the most accurate information related to your benefits.



If your insurance is not one of the plans with which RCA contracts, we will send your insurance plan a bill as a courtesy, but any amounts your insurance company does not pay will be your responsibility.


Below is a just a list of some of the insurance plans we accept. 


​​- Medicare

Blue Cross Blue Shield

- United 

- Cigna


- Humana 

- Medicaid


- Tricare for Life


- Tricare Prime

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To Schedule An Appointment

Call 256.536.0505

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